Locating the best financing for your next purchase or refinance can be a real challenge, but it shouldn't keep you from achieving your real estate goals.
Wade Creek Mortgage manages the mortgage process for you from start to finish by:
Answering your questions
Discussing your mortgage needs
Collecting and reviewing key financial documents
Issuing pre-approval letters for purchases
Shopping lenders for the best available loans
Completing your loan application
Handling requests from lenders, realtors, inspectors, and title agents
Scheduling your closing appointment
Ensuring that payments with your new lender go smoothly
No matter your financial situation or real estate background, Wade Creek Mortgage is ready to make your next purchase or refinance a reality!
Wade Creek Mortgage
NMLS #1668863
600L South Fort Thomas Avenue
Fort Thomas, Kentucky 41075
Business Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday: Closed
True Treanor - Website Designer (513) 604-9083
Justin Wade, NMLS #829165 - Company Owner & President - (859) 466-8445 - justin@wadecreek.com